Silk hand bouquet Hand bouquet is given priority to with real flowers, but flowers really easy to fade, not easy to save; Than try hand bouquet made of silk.
Wedding flower girls will be holding a flower basket of flowers, but this time we new tricks, give the flower small wand. Long and elegant lace ribbon under the jitter of flower show enchanting posture.
At the wedding we rarely see such a "exaggeration" box, but if your wedding so
retro ring box, must be able to catch the attention of the guests.
In addition to restoring ancient ways ring box, ring pillow is also quite
creative! Hemp powder material collocation tender flowers, beautiful! Drunk! !
Petals covered road, hanging lanterns of cotton print, can use "waste", and
highlight new idea.
The appearance of the signs is a wedding, so don't you dare say sign important?
! Wooden signs highlighted with chocolate color restoring ancient ways of
lasting appeal.
In the flowers blooming season, we should put all flowers moment is transferred
to the wedding. Flowers bloom in the bark of the awl, and style. Like small and
pure and fresh style of the brides, don't miss oh.
Before the wedding, I believe you will be big, "ugly" seat give to! Don't worry,
will be the guests name written in the ancient plate, the ancient plate is stuck
on the wooden door, both play to the role of the adornment, can clearly indicate
the location of the guests. So why not? No longer see ugly seating plan.
Who rules table must be filled with sweet sweet? This dessert table is meimei
dalai, more in line with the artistic conception of spring.
Is there such a wedding table more attractive? ! Write love letter written a
song, on the most romantic bud silk, is so charming.
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